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How to manage your money: 15 money management tips for beginners



How to manage your money: 15 money management tips for beginners


How To Manage Your Money:  Money Management Tips


Life is considered so much easier when you have good financial skills. How you spend your money affects your credit score and the amount of debt you end up carrying.

If you are having problems with money management, such as living paycheck to paycheck, here are some helpful tips for improving your financial habits despite having more than enough cash.

When you are faced with a particular spending decision, especially a buying decision, don’t assume you can always afford it. Always confirm that you can actually afford it and haven’t already committed that money to another expense.

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This means using your budget and the balance in your checking and savings accounts to decide if you can make a purchase. Always remember that just because the money is there doesn’t mean you can make the purchase.

You need to also consider the expenses and bills you will have to pay before or after your next payday arrives.


How To Manage Your Money Better


  1. Always have a budget to work with: Many people don’t have a budget because they don’t want life to go through what they think will be a tedious process of entering expenses, adding numbers, and making sure everything lines up.

    If you have insufficient money, you have no room for excuses with a budget.

    If all it takes to keep track of your spending is a few hours with a budget each month, why wouldn’t you?

    Instead of focusing on the budgeting process, focus on the value the budget will bring to your life.

  2. Use of the Budget Strategy: Your budget is useless if you do; let it collect dust in a folder stored on your bookshelf or in the file cabinet.

    Refer to it often during the month as your ultimate guide to your spending decisions. Update your budget regularly as you adjust to your bill payments and other monthly expenses.

    At any time during the month, you should have an idea of how much money you can spend, taking into account any expenses you have left to pay.

  3. Give yourself a limit for untargeted spending: A critical part of your budget is your disposable income or the amount of money that is left over after you subtract your expenses from your income.

    If you have money left over, you can use it for fun and entertainment, but only for a specific amount. You can’t go crazy with this money, and especially if it’s not much and has to last the whole month.

    Before you make big purchases, make sure it won’t affect anything else you have planned.

  4. Don’t commit to any new recurrent monthly charges: Just because your income and credit qualify for a particular loan doesn’t mean you have to take it.

    Many people naively believe that the bank won’t approve them for a credit card or loan they can’t afford.

    The bank is only aware of your income, as you have stated, and the debt obligations included on your credit report, not other obligations that may also prevent you from making your payments on time.

    It is simply up to you to finally decide whether a monthly repayment is affordable based on your income and other monthly obligations.

  5. Keep track of your expenditures: The little purchases here and there add up quickly and, before you know it, you’ve overspent your budget.

    Start tracking your spending to uncover places where you may be overspending. Save your receipts and write down your shopping in a spending journal, categorizing your purchases so you can identify places where you’re struggling to keep your spending under control.

  6. Make sure you pay the best prices: You can make the most of your money comparison by ensuring you pay the lowest prices for products and services. Always look for good discounts, coupons, and cheaper alternatives whenever you want to buy.

  7. Remember to save money on big purchases: The ability to delay gratification will help you improve your money. When putting off big purchases, instead of sacrificing more important essentials or putting the purchase on a credit card, give yourself time to evaluate whether the purchase is necessary and even more time to compare prices.

    By saving rather than using credit, you avoid paying interest on the purchase.6 And if you save instead of skipping bills or obligations, you don’t have to face the many consequences of losing those bills.

  8. Remember to limit your credit card purchases: Credit cards are a bad shopper’s worst enemy. If you ever run out of cash, you simply swipe your credit cards without thinking about whether you can pay the balance or not.

    Try your best to Resist the urge to use your credit cards for purchases you can’t really afford, especially on items you don’t really need.

  9. Remember to contribute regularly to your savings account: Depositing money into a savings account each month can help you establish healthy financial habits.

    It’s even possible for you to give authorization so that cash can be automatically transferred from your checking account to your savings account. With that being done, you don’t have to remember to make the transfer.

  10. Being good with money takes consistent practice: At first, you may not be used to planning ahead or putting off purchases until you can actually afford them.

    The more you make these sets of habits part of your daily lifestyle, the easier it is to manage your money better, and your finances will become stable.



What does good managing money look like?

For a beginner, good money management is not a one size fits all Strategy. Your personal money management should look the way it needs to.

Always make sure you’re reaching your goals and effectively managing most of the financial challenges in your entire life.

What will you need to account for to enable you to achieve long-term financial success? Here are the basics:

  1. A budget that fits your lifestyle.
  2. A debt repayment strategy.
  3. Savings goals include increasing your emergency fund and planning for retirement.



Tips to Help Develop Good Money Management Habits

  1. Are you ready to improve your financial situation today? Here are some tips you need to get your finances under control and work towards a healthy financial future.
  2. Find a simple way to manage your money.
See also
How much savings should you have to Save for an Emergency Fund?


What are your future financial goals?

Maybe you want to reinforce payments towards your student loan debt, or you’re trying to improve your financial standing by tracking your spending. For whatever reason, you’re on the right track. Budgeting is an integrated part of managing your personal finances.


Think about one of these methods:

The envelope system:  This cash-based budgeting system works well for over-spenders. It helps you to reduce excess spending on debit and credit cards because this method involves taking out cash and placing it in pre-labeled envelopes for your variable expenses (like food and clothing).

The 50/20/30 Strategy: if you can pay all your bills with 50% of your income, try this method. You apply 50% of your income towards living expenses, 20% towards savings and debt reduction, and 30% towards personal expenses (such as vacations, dinners, personal shopping).


This allows you to have a lot of fun and save at the same time. Those who do spend most of their income on living expenses instead try the similarly organized 60/20/20 budget.

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Title Talk: How Do Title Loans Work, Exactly?

The zero-based budget Strategy: this strict system is excellent for accounting for all your income. Your budget for your expenses and bills and allocate any extra money to goals. It’s also great for people trying to pay off debt as quickly as possible and beneficial for those living paycheck to paycheck.


Give Your Money the Cold Shoulder


One way to re-calibrate your spending habits is to take part in a spending freeze. Here’s how:

Pick a month – or a year, even.

Former Penny Hoarder Jamie Cattanach picked November in hopes of curbing his holiday spending.

Don’t spend money on non-essentials during the freeze.

Absolutely still pay rent and utilities – all responsible adult bills – but don’t spend anything on entertainment, clothes, or eating out.  

Sure, it’ll be hard. You will face temptations. But Cattanach and other people completed the challenge and saved at least $600 in a month.


How to manage your money


Save a Percentage of Your Salary

The rule of thumb about investing is that “at least 20% of your income should go to savings,” wrote personal finance journalist Paula Pant for The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association. “More is good; less is not to be recommended.”

If we’re honest, the professionals giving out this advice don’t know your salary, how much your bills are, or what conditions are preventing you from saving chunks of money every time you get paid.

However, it’s still good to keep this piece of information in your back pocket.

Pant broke down this issue with savings goals:

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How to properly manage your money like the Rich - Top 20 Ways to do it

Retirement: The goal is to save 10% to 15%. If your company is matched by your contributions, even better – you’re only on the hook for half.

Emergency fund: No percentage required here, but ideally, your fund could cover from three months to nine months of your living expenses.

To set a goal, you calculate your monthly expenses and then decide how much you need to cover your fixed bills for a couple of months.

Wishlist: do you need a new car? Pant says to write down the goal and the deadline, then divide that by the number of months left for you to save, and the result is how much you should put away each month to cover the cost.


Build an Emergency Fund

Your car tires give out, pipes burst, salaries come and go, kids get sick… you get the idea. If you don’t have a savings account just for emergencies, we recommend you to have one. It’s the best and simple way to save money, so you have some when you really need it the most.

One of our top favorite ways to save money is with a firm called Aspiration. It offers online-only accounts with no fees*, minimum balance, and minimum monthly deposit for its spending account. Plus, its savings account offers a 2.00% APY!

Their spending account comes with a debit card that earns 0.5% cashback on all your purchases, as well as accessible ATMs so you can easily access your money when you need it.

You can quickly transfer between accounts and make payments as needed with an Aspiration debit card, Apple Pay or Venmo. With no monthly fee required and a minimum deposit of $1 per month, this is a desirable option for you to have emergency funds.

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52 week money savings challenge – ways to save lots of money

Not sure how to start or create an emergency fund? Here are a few ways to get it set up:

Set a savings goal. Whether it’s weekly or monthly, setting a goal will help you stay focused and get you in the habit of wiping out money.

Do you have a big bonus at work? Or maybe you received a tax refund. When you have extra money, prioritize saving the extra cash to give your emergency fund a boost.

Start a lateral move! Save the extra money you earn from your side hustle to help grow your savings a lot faster.

Use your current budget to identify areas where you can make some cuts. Take the extra money and… yes! Emergency fund.


Put Your Purchases in Perspective

In 2017, we wrote about a couple, Melissa Palmer, a stay-at-home mom who lives off $36,000 income a year with her husband Cole and 4 kids.

She also shared a clever budgeting tip, but here’s one that stuck with us:

To check your spending, view your purchases through a different lens. Small purchases proliferate, and that money can be better spent on necessities.


Try to Secure Up to $1 Million in Life Insurance; Rates Start at $5/Month

Have you ever at any point in your life thought about how your family could manage without your income after you leave? How will they pay the bills? Send the kids through school? Right Now is the right time to start planning for the future by considering a life insurance term.

You are probably thinking: I don’t have the time or money for this. However, your application can take just a few minutes – and you could leave your family with up to $1 million with a company called Bestow.

Their rates start at just $5 per month. The general peace of mind knowing your family is well-taken care of is priceless.


Boost Credit Score to Reduce Interest on Your Loans

Increase your credit score to reduce interest on your loans

A simple way to work on your credit score is to get a free “credit report card” from Credit Sesame.

Credit Sesame has been your favorite teacher since high school – without the pop quizzes.

It provides you with a free credit score, plus your credit history, so that you can see precisely how much money you owe and to whom.

It even lets you know your monthly payments and interest rates, as well as what debts (if any) are being collected.

James Cooper, a motivational speaker, increased his credit score by 277 points by using Credit Sesame. James Cooper now speaks to high school students about the importance of good credit and uses what he has learned through Credit Sesame as a blueprint for his lessons.

See also
How To Manage Your Finances - 5 Tips you should know

“We want to reach Generation Z,” Cooper says. “We’re not concerned with fixing credit. We want to communicate with you before you have to fix your credit.”

Like Cooper, 60% of Credit Sesame members are experiencing an increase in their credit scores. 50% see at least a 10-point rise, and 20% see at least a 50-point rise after 180 days. 


How To Manage Your Money


Freeze your credit cards

Managing credit cards is complicated. Even if you know better, it’s easy to see that extra cash flow as an opportunity to spend more than you need.

To save money, try freezing your credit cards. Literally – into the freezer they go.


If you tend to make impulse purchases with a credit card, stick your card in a Ziploc bag, submerge it inside a container of water and slide it into the freezer.


When you’re tempted to spend, you should wait for the card to thaw, requiring you to rethink your spending decision.


Get Serious About Paying off  Your Past Student Loans

If you have recently graduated or will soon be graduating from college, you probably have bad student loans on the horizon.

The absolute best possible thing you could do for yourself to help your financial situation is to learn everything you can about paying off all your student loans and plan to stay on top of them when your repayment time approaches like a ton of bricks.

Set up your student repayment journey for success: Know what you owe, understand what “deferment” means, learn how to lower your interest rate, and learn how to earn a little extra money so you can pay off all your loans faster.


Give back

As you begin to take control of your finances, it’s time to give back. Taking time or money to donate can help you make an impact wherever you want.

Properly managing your finances means you’ll be able to devote more time and money to the causes you care about.

 Even if you can help spread your new knowledge about personal finance, this could be a valuable gift to someone who needs help.


Take action

Managing your finances doesn’t have to be difficult, but you do need to get started. Do not allow your finances to get out of control before you start managing them seriously. Small actions in the course can prevent a significant financial disaster in the future.

Make a choice to start managing your finances effectively today. Implement each of these tips over time. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed; just take one step at a time.

Remember, you can absolutely manage your finances effectively. It will take some time and some effort to get your money under control.


Let This Company Help You Pay off Your Debt Faster

Do you really know exactly how much debt you have? What about the extra interest you’re paying?

Many of us are being crushed by credit card interest rates north of 20%. If you’re in that boat, consolidating and refinancing might be worth a look. A site called AmOne wants to help.

If you have been owing to your credit card companies $50k or less, AmOne will match you with a low-interest loan that you can use to pay off any of your balances.

The benefit? You’ll indeed be left with one extra bill to pay each month. And it’s because personal loans have lower interest rates (AmOne rates start at 3.99% in April), you’ll get out of debt much faster. Plus: No credit card payments this month.

AmOne keeps all your information confidential and secure, which is why after 20 years in business, they still maintain an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

It takes just 2 minutes to see if you qualify for up to $50,000 online. You have to give AmOne an active phone number to qualify, but don’t worry – they won’t spam you with phone calls.

Take this example, Katherine, who faced $12,000 in credit card debt. Are you holding back? The interest rate of 15.24%. By refinancing with a seven-year 5% personal loan with interest, she saved $12,000 in interest.

If he had kept on the same path, he would have paid only $14,000 in interest for only 25 years. Right.


How to manage your money video


See also: 52-week money savings challenge – ways to save lots of money.




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What Exactly is a Budgeting App? Purpose of a budget?



What Exactly is a Budgeting App? Why You Need one

What Exactly is a Budgeting App? Purpose of a budget?


Budgeting App Apps or budgeting Applications that had a better overall rating in comparison to the amount of reviews they had also rated higher on our list, as did apps that were available for no cost at all.

In addition, we placed a priority on mobile applications that included advanced security features such as biometric authentication, multifactor authentication, and encryption.

Apps that allow for the connection of an infinite number of accounts went closer to the top of our ranking, as did apps that also have a website version and permit sharing with members of the user’s family or friend group.


What exactly is a budget?

A budget is an estimate of an organization’s revenue and expenses for a predetermined period of time in the future. Budgets are typically produced and reassessed on a regular basis.

An individual, a group of people, an organization, the government, or virtually anything else that earns and spends money can create a budget for themselves. Budgets can also be created for organizations.

It is vital to create a budget so that you can keep track of your monthly costs, be ready for the unexpected things that happen in life, and have the financial flexibility to buy expensive items without getting into debt.

You don’t need to be brilliant at arithmetic, it doesn’t have to be a chore, and it doesn’t mean you can’t buy the items you want even if you are keeping track of how much money you earn and spend.

Simply put, it indicates that you will be more in charge of your finances because you will be aware of where your money is going.


What exactly is the point of having a budget?

A budget is not about depriving yourself; rather, it is about gaining control of your finances and your spending habits. Creating a budget shouldn’t feel like a kind of punishment to the person doing it.

Keep in mind that this is a plan for all of your money, including the money you spend on things that are just for pleasure. A budget doesn’t have to be rigid. In point of fact, it should be revised whenever your circumstances shift, such as when you obtain a pay raise or when you purchase your first home.

The goal is to personalize your budget as much as you can while yet providing some wiggle room for changes. There will be unexpected occurrences (as well as errors).


Why is it vital to create a budget?

Everyone, not only those who are having trouble financially, can benefit from creating and sticking to a budget. It instills the value of living within one’s means and putting one’s money to work in the most productive manner possible.

Consider a budget to be a stepping stone on the path to achieving your financial goals.


Where do you even begin with a budget?

Are you prepared to give budgeting a try? Begin with the fundamentals. This includes keeping a record of all of your expenditures, as well as your income, account balances, and obligations.

After that, you should determine your priorities and search for a budget system that is tailored to your requirements.


How to Prepare a Budget

Knowing how much money you actually bring in each month in addition to how you actually spend it is essential to the process of successfully creating and keeping a monthly budget.

Therefore, your income and your expenses make up the two most important aspects of any conventional budget.

To start, determine your entire monthly income by adding together all of your active and passive income, as well as your salary, wages, tips, interest, and any child support or alimony payments.

Next, make a list of your necessary monthly expenditures. This could include expenses such as rent, insurance, utilities, fees charged by the bank, and the minimum payment required on a credit card.

Next, make a list of all of the things that you routinely spend money on but that aren’t absolutely necessary.

Include things like recurring monthly subscriptions, streaming services, the average cost of your meals and entertainment, and everything else that falls into this category.

Check your previous bank statements and credit card statements to confirm that you have not overlooked anything. To calculate your overall monthly costs, add up all of your essential expenditures and subtract all of your discretionary costs.

Is the sum of your income and your spending larger than one another?

If that’s the case, you’re off to a good start. However, if your account balance is not where you would like it to be, it is necessary to make a budget. Having a clear understanding of your objectives will assist you in selecting the most suitable budgeting tool for your specific requirements.


Why Is It Necessary to Have a Budget?

According to a number of surveys, more than half of American adults live paycheck to paycheck, making budgeting an essential tool for assisting individuals in escaping the cycle of financial instability and establishing long-term financial security.

Over the course of the past three decades, the cost of housing and medical care has skyrocketed in the United States, which has reduced the amount of money available for savings and retirement planning.

If you do not have a financial plan or budget in place, you may feel stressed and overwhelmed, which can lead to increased spending, living beyond one’s means, and the continuation of vicious cycles.

But having a strong budget in place as part of your overall money mindfulness can make a significant impact.

This is true not only because it can help you reach your financial objectives, but also because it can reduce stress and worry and improve your entire quality of life.


What Characteristics Do Successful Budgets Share?

Establishing a budget is a process that starts with determining your monetary objectives, as well as keeping track of your typical spending and saving behaviors.

When you have a thorough understanding of how much money is going out and coming in, you are better equipped to deal with the expected as well as the unforeseen monetary obstacles that life throws at you.

The frame of mind with which you approach the management of your finances is vital. The creation of a budget is the essential first step toward regaining control over one’s financial situation.

In the event that you have never maintained a personal budget before, it is possible that it will take several cycles for your habits to catch up. In addition, if you have poor financial practices and want to improve them, the correct app can assist you.


What Exactly Is an App for Budgeting?

A budgeting app is a type of mobile application that is aimed to assist users in optimizing the spending and savings decisions they make on a monthly basis.

A budgeting tool can provide you more visibility into your financial choices and habits by centralizing all of your financial commitments and goals in one location.

A budgeting app, similar to the apps that your bank or credit union may offer for use on your mobile device, may give additional features such as the ability to create financial goals and track cash flow across several financial accounts.

Apps that help you manage your finances can be synced with your bank and credit card accounts to provide you a complete picture of your financial situation.

Some budgeting apps will adhere to a particular method of budgeting, such as zero-based or envelope budgeting, while others will take a more broad approach to budgeting and permit modification in accordance with the user’s personal requirements.

You can manage recurring bill payments, savings objectives, and monthly cash flow with the help of a fully featured budgeting tool, which can also assist you in tracking spending.


How Accurate Are Mobile Budgeting Apps?

The use of a budgeting software is a terrific way to make sure that you are actually sticking to your budget and not just preparing one. They are able to shed light on your spending patterns, illuminating where your money is going and pointing out areas in which you have room for improvement.

Just like any other program, the extent to which it “functions” is mainly determined by how its features are put to use.

One of the challenges associated with budgeting in general — whether it’s done via an app, a spreadsheet, or other, more manual ways — is making the commitment not only to establishing a budget, but also to making your financial decisions in line with what the budget dictates.

The ability of a budgeting app to provide interaction and automation, which may help keep users motivated to stay on top of their personal money, is something that a lot of people have found to be helpful.


How to Decide Which Budgeting App Is Right for You

When compared to other decisions pertaining to personal money, using an app for budgeting may appear to be a rather insignificant matter. However, selecting the appropriate budgeting tool can make a significant impact on the way your personal finances are managed.

When searching for a new software to help you manage your finances, make sure to put your requirements and objectives first.

The appropriate tool to assist you budget can give you with useful insights and data about your spending as well as your savings.

However, before that occurs, determining your financial goals can assist you in narrowing down your search for the most suitable budgeting tool for your needs.

Aside from your objectives, the following are some aspects of a budgeting tool that you should think about before making a commitment to using it:



The prices of many budgeting programs can be found online. There are a lot of free budgeting applications, and even more that provide free versions, but some of them do demand a monthly price.

Don’t ignore the paid apps just because you’re drawn to the idea of downloading anything for nothing. If a budgeting software will help you considerably improve your financial outlook, it may very well be worth the expense to get the app.

Features. Because each app has its own set of features and benefits, it might make sense to try out a few various apps before settling on the one that is the most suitable for your requirements.

If you’ve ever used a mobile banking app, you already have some experience with the features you’ll want to look for in a new one.

The most popular budgeting apps typically include a variety of features, some of which are as follows: the ability to connect all of your financial accounts; the ability to receive notifications of upcoming bill payments; the ability to design a budget; the ability to track credit score; the ability to track spending; and the ability to set financial goals.

Security. The safety of your personal information is of the utmost importance, particularly with regard to financial information and login credentials.

Although the vast majority of budgeting apps offer some measure of protection, some are more advanced than others in this regard. Make it a point to investigate the degree of security and encryption provided by each app.

You might find security features on their websites, such as encryption of 256 bits and multiple-factor authentication, for example.

Intruders can be discouraged from accessing your information by adopting features such as this one, particularly when combined with the use of a secure Wi-Fi network.

Assistance to the customer If you are using a budgeting software and run into a problem, having access to a technical support team that you can get in touch with can be helpful.

When looking for a good app to help you manage your finances, you should make it a point to find out what kinds of customer care are offered by the app itself as well as, if appropriate, the desktop version.

Reading reviews written by others who have used the program that you are thinking about downloading might also be helpful.


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The Ultimate Guide of Money Saving Tips



The Ultimate Guide of Money Saving Tips

The Ultimate Guide of Money Saving Tips


Saving money is like giving yourself a raise. And the truth is, it’s easy to do without much of an impact on your lifestyle. Keeping track of spending, downgrading various services, and seeking out cheap car insurance can save you money – moving you closer to financial freedom. With the cost of everything going up, up, up, you’ll want and need that raise!


Water vs. Water

In this corner, we’ve got a 16 oz. bottle of spring water, ready to quench your thirst. And in this corner, we’ve got tap water, who’s thinking bottled water is pretty needless, and in another corner there’s filtered water which represents the best of both worlds.

The average person will spend over $100 a year on bottled water, so why not buy an inexpensive water filter instead, and use your own tap water. Fill a reusable water bottle and you’ve got savings in your pocket.


Live Minimally

When we feel out of control of our lives, we are more likely to spend money on things we don’t need. Accumulating “stuff” makes it difficult to keep track of what you already have, so it’s easy to go out and purchase duplicates of tools, crafts, just about any item.

De-cluttering and making a commitment toward becoming more organized will solve some of this issue. Living a minimalist lifestyle involves abundance for the senses, not materialist abundance.


Scrutinize Big Purchases

Most people get a ‘buyer’s high’ when they make a purchase. Unfortunately, sometimes big purchases that aren’t thought out are then accompanied with regret. If you’re thinking about making a big purchase (read: one that is above your usual spending limit) follow these steps to make the right decision for you:

  • Can you afford it? Think about this as objectively as possible
  • Are there peripheral costs involved? (Examples of this might be additional software, tools, etc.)
  • Where else could this same money go?
  • Can this item be borrowed from a friend?
  • Wait 24 hours before making the purchase and then re-evaluate the situation to determine if it is a want or a need.


Get Your Birthday Freebies

Companies love giving away samples, coupons, and desserts on their customer’s birthdays. You’ll find websites online that will send you free items and remember to ask at restaurants like Applebees, Dairy Queen and Dunkin Donuts for free food when the big day comes around.


Pick a Different Cell Phone Plan

Long gone are the days when cell phone plans cost hundreds of dollars. There are a variety of companies that charge a fraction of that amount (think $15, $20 a month) for the same coverage and same options.

Saving $100 a month is the same as giving yourself a $2.50 per hour raise (if you work full time). Before getting sucked into the newest and fanciest iPhone or Android phone, think about why you’re making that purchase to begin with – is it simply to be on the cutting edge or do you really need it?

Rent Out that Extra Space

Are you an empty nester? Maybe you have an extra bedroom or some space in the garage that isn’t being used. These days, space is just as valuable as location.

Consider renting that spare bedroom out to a college kid. The garage space might be particularly useful for someone who is renting elsewhere but can’t quite afford usual storage fees. You could be enjoying several hundred dollars more a month circulating through your savings.


Quit Smoking. Forever.

Smoking is insidious; it eats away at your body as well as your savings account. A pack of Marlboros costs $10 in Los Angeles. The average smoker spends nearly $200 a month on smokes.

Imagine the savings incurred by quitting. If you’re an hourly worker putting in 40 hours every week, that’s a $4.50 an hour wage hike just by quitting smoking. And that doesn’t even mention what happens to your brain, lungs, and heart when you quit.


Switch to a Programmable Thermostat

The beauty of a programmable thermostat is that heat or air conditioning doesn’t have to be running when nobody is in the house to benefit.

When you’re sleeping, away on vacation, etc. you can program the thermostat to reflect the needs of the house at the time, and then schedule a gradual warm up or cool down for your family’s return. It’s a great way to save energy and money.

If you’re ready to start saving money and living life more simply, employ these money savings tips to put yourself back into the financial driver’s seat.





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How To Manage Your Finances – 5 Tips you should know



How To Manage Your Finances - 5 Tips you should know


How To Manage Your Finances

Managing your finances isn’t easy and sometimes you can be hit with unexpected financial emergencies. If you don’t have the means to pay for it, you might look into payday loans as a way to help.

However, these aren’t long-term solutions so you need to think about how you can better look after your accounts. Here are some top tips on managing your finances and how it will benefit you.

Budget And Stick To It

One of the best ways to manage your finances is to create a healthy budget that you can live on. Spend some time going over all your incomings and outgoings so that you can build a realistic budget that you can stick to.

Don’t be too restrictive either, as you’ll find it impossible to stay on track. You don’t have to cut out every little luxury from your life either, just try and reduce them and include them in your budget.

You might find it useful to create a weekly budget as well as a monthly one so that you can really control how much you’re spending.  

Reduce Your Outgoings

If you’re paying out a lot each month on debt and subscription services, try and reduce these a little. For example, if you can pay off any of your debt early, try to do so. Or if you’re paying for multiple streaming services, try and cut them down a little.

These little savings will add up each month and allow you to retain more money in your account long-term.  

Know Your Accounts

It’s hard to manage your accounts if you don’t know them at all. Make sure you regularly check your bank statements and accounts so you know everything is ticking along as it should. You’ll also notice anything untoward as well and notify your bank sooner rather than later.

Create Separate Saving Pots

You might think that saving money each month is the easiest way to manage your finances. But in reality, putting half of your wages away into a savings account isn’t that good of an idea.

Try creating separate savings accounts or pots that are for specific things.

If you’re saving up for a holiday, put the money for just this purpose into a separate account. That way, you’ll be able to see exactly how much you’re saving, and how much you’re saving up for different expenses.

Don’t Splurge

Another common problem that a lot of people do is to splurge their money when they have it. Try not to give in to temptation and blow all your money on one luxury item. It’s okay to do this now and then, but when it becomes a habit, that’s when you’ll run into trouble.

If there is something that you really want, try saving up for it. If you don’t want to wait and save the money, then it might be best to consider if you really need it or if you’re just giving in to temptation.

Managing your money doesn’t have to be difficult, nor do you have to scrimp and save every penny in order to have a healthy bank balance. It’s all about living within your means and making smart decisions.

Try to incorporate some of these tips into your finance management, and you’ll soon start to see how easy it can be.

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