Credit Cards
5 Purchases You Should Think Twice About Putting on Your Credit Card
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5 Purchases You Should Think Twice About Putting on Your Credit Card
It can be tempting to use your credit card to pay for all your purchases, especially when you’re low on cash – however, due to high fees and interest rates, making the wrong credit card purchases can cost you much more than the price of the product or service you’re looking to acquire.
With that said, let’s take a look at five purchases you should think twice about putting on your credit card;
Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile which makes them inherently risky. And they’re even more risky if you purchase them with a credit card – that’s because, if the dollar value of the crypto you purchase goes down, you’ll essentially lose money on the asset you purchased while also having to pay back the money you used to buy it in the first place.
In other words, you’ll be spending money (and losing it twice) just to buy one crypto asset with your credit card.
Moreover, buying crypto with your credit card would cost you more as crypto-exchanges already charge high gas fees for transactions – coupling that with the already high-interest rates on your credit card would mean paying extra on your purchase.
Mortgage Payments
It’s tempting to make your mortgage payments with your credit card when you’re short on cash, but it’s not a good idea to do so.
In fact, most credit unions and banks won’t let you make your payments with a credit card.
Although there are third party lending platforms that will let you set-up your mortgage payments with a credit card, it’s best to avoid these platforms as they will make you pay more than you usually would in the form of processing fees.
Medical Bills
Medical bills are infamous for how expensive they can be. Regardless of the fact that you might not be able to outrightly afford your medical bills you shouldn’t use your credit card to settle them.
Credit cards can have high interest rates and you don’t want to mix this with expensive healthcare as it will put you in a position where you have to repay a ton of money.
If your medical bills are due and you can’t afford to pay, you can approach the hospital’s financial department to set yourself up with a payment plan for your bills.
However, ensure that you read the fine print on your payment plan and you understand the obligations and interest rates.
Interestingly enough, the rates offered by the hospital might be lower than the interest you would pay your credit card company.
You can pay your taxes with your credit card, but it’s not the most cost-effective approach as you would be charged a processing fee for your tax payments.
This fee usually is around 2%; this might seem small but it can add up to a lot depending on how high your tax payments are.
If you can’t afford to pay your taxes, you can approach the IRS to set you up with a payment plan which would most likely be lower than the interest rate your credit card company offers you.
A lot of car dealers won’t let you buy a car with your credit card – that’s because of the high fees associated with processing credit card payments.
Making a large purchase like a car with your credit card would increase your credit card balance and if your balance rises above 50% it can affect your credit score.
If you don’t have enough cash to buy a car, it might be a sign that you should put it off for a while or pick one you can afford.
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How Do Credit Card Companies Make Money?
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How Do Credit Card Companies Make Money?
Credit card companies don’t operate for free, as you might expect. However, when you consider a $200 sign-up bonus for a credit card without an annual fee, you start to wonder how they continue to turn a profit.
How do credit card companies generate revenue when they appear to be giving away rewards for nothing? You shouldn’t worry, though.
No matter how many cash back rewards you receive, your credit card issuer is doing just fine. Additionally, all of the other credit card issuers that function as parts of the enormous payment card machine are.
The specific role that each type of credit card company plays in the payment ecosystem determines how they generate revenue.
Let’s begin by examining the various categories…
1. Credit card issuers
A credit card is a bank’s line of credit that you can borrow and pay back.
The bank that supports the credit line is the credit card issuer. The issuing bank pays the merchant when you make a purchase. When you use your credit card to make a purchase, the money is returned to the retailer by the card’s issuer.
The issuer is typically the only credit card company that cardholders directly interact with. (The most frequent exception to this rule concerns particular advantages provided by networks.
To file a claim for these, you may need to get in touch with that network.) You can actually handle your account if you have a co-branded retail credit card (also known as a store credit card).
2. Credit card networks
The use of a credit card typically involves a significant amount of conversation. The first step in completing a transaction is for the merchant to make contact with the bank and request approval.
After that, the bank will need to transfer the funds to the account of the retailer in order to pay for the purchase.
There is no one person or entity that is responsible for all of this communication between the merchant and your bank. Instead, everything is processed through a network that processes credit cards.
In the United States, the four most important credit card networks are as follows:
Each of a credit card issuer’s cards is associated with a different network of credit card issuers through a partnership. One and only one payment network is compatible with each individual card.
If you look for the network’s logo on the back of your credit card, you will be able to determine which network your card uses. Your credit is the only option available to you.
3. Credit card processors
Not only do most retailers not interact directly with the company that issued their customers’ cards, but they also do not interact directly with the networks.
Instead, the majority of merchants, especially smaller businesses, contract their credit card processing needs out to a third-party company.
Credit card processors, in their most basic function, play the role of an intermediary between the merchant and the network. This results in a number of distinct benefits for the merchant:
Processors, in contrast to issuers and networks, are not involved in any way with the particular credit card that you have.
You won’t find their logo on your card, and the choice of processor that a merchant makes will have very little bearing on the price that you pay for an item.
How credit card issuers make money from cardholders
When you have a credit card, you might get the impression that you are the primary source of revenue for the company that issued the card.
However, that is not the case at all. The issuer of a credit card is the only type of credit card company that makes money directly off of its customers. Other types of credit card companies only make money indirectly.
Fees are typically the source of revenue for card issuers from their customers, cardholders. The good news is that consumers who are knowledgeable about their options can sidestep the majority of these fees.
Annual fees
You, as the cardholder, are responsible for paying these fees in order to keep your account active.
The vast majority of credit cards that assess an annual fee are rewards cards.
In this instance, annual fees help offset the cost of those rewards by providing some additional revenue. On the other hand, some credit cards designed for people with poor credit also impose annual fees on their customers.
When it comes to these credit cards, the annual fee helps the issuer mitigate some of the risk that comes with extending credit to someone who has had credit problems in the past.
How to avoid annual fees
You can easily avoid annual fees by selecting cards that do not charge an annual fee instead of using cards that do charge an annual fee.
The majority of the best cash back rewards cards, for instance, do not charge annual fees to their cardholders.
You can even locate some respectable travel cards that do not charge an annual fee.
On the other hand, there are cases in which annual fees are money well spent.
For instance, many of the best travel rewards credit cards offer sign-up bonuses and other benefits for cardholders that can have a value of several thousands of dollars.
Interest fees
The majority of an issuer’s profit comes, in most cases, from interest and other fees.
When you continue to carry a balance on your card after the due date, the card issuer will assess you with these fees.
When you use your card to make a purchase, the issuer of the card is the one who actually makes the payment to the merchant. The issuer will be out of pocket for that amount of money until you pay off your balance.
The issuer receives compensation in the form of interest fees for the lending.
The amount of interest that you are charged is expressed as a percentage of the total balance on your credit card. This percentage will change based on the annual percentage rate, also known as the APR, of your credit card.
If your annual percentage rate (APR) is high, then your interest fees will also be high.
The annual percentage rate (APR) charged by credit card companies is usually reflective of your credit risk, which is determined by your credit history.
If you have an outstanding credit history, you should have no trouble obtaining a loan.
How to avoid interest fees
There are primarily two ways to keep from having to pay interest fees. Paying off your balance in full each and every month is the simplest option.
The reason for this is that the majority of credit cards come with a grace period during which you won’t be responsible for paying any interest fees.
This grace period begins once your statement is closed and continues until the due date that is listed on your bill. An alternative strategy for evading interest fees is to take advantage of a promotional interest rate offer.
After opening a new account, new cardholders of many credit cards are eligible for an introductory deal that grants them a lower (or even zero) interest rate for a specified period of time.
These introductory offers of 0% APR can last for anywhere between six and twenty-one months (or, rarely, longer).
Transaction fees
A fee is typically assessed for most types of credit card transactions, with the exception of straightforward purchases. For instance, you will be required to pay a balance transfer fee if you decide to transfer an existing balance.
The same principle applies to cash advances on credit cards. When you make a purchase in another country or currency, many credit cards will charge you additional fees known as “foreign transaction fees.”
How to avoid transaction fees
Transaction fees can be easily sidestepped by merely avoiding the kinds of transactions that incur them.
If you never make a balance transfer, you won’t be subject to the fee that is associated with doing so.
The same can be said for cash advances. If you travel quite a bit, avoiding fees associated with foreign transactions may be more difficult for you. However, many excellent credit cards, particularly travel credit cards, do not impose any fees on transactions made in a foreign country.
Penalty fees
When you sign up for a credit card, you are entering into a legal agreement with the card’s issuing bank.
The majority of issuers will charge you a fee if you violate the terms of that contract in any way.
For instance, if you pay your bill after the due date, the company that issued it to you will most likely charge you a late fee. In a similar vein, you might be required to pay an over-limit fee if you spend more money than your credit limit allows for.
How to avoid penalty fees
You won’t be subject to any penalty fees if you follow the guidelines outlined in your cardholder agreement.
If you are consistent about paying your bills on time each month, you can avoid incurring late payment fees. If you have trouble keeping track of when payments are due, you might want to ask your bank about the possibility of setting up automatic withdrawals.
Fees for going over your credit limit can also be avoided by maintaining a balance that is significantly lower than the limit.
Many card issuers even provide customers with the option to completely disable the ability to make purchases that would cause them to go over their spending limit.
How credit card companies make money from merchants
Even though credit card issuers are the only card companies that profit directly from cardholders, virtually all card companies profit from merchants.
Issuers, networks, and processing companies all get their cut from merchants in the form of various processing fees. Merchants pay all of these fees.
Interchange fees
When you use your credit card, the company that issued your card will charge the merchant a fee so that they can process the transaction.
This type of fee is known as an interchange fee. The percentage of the total amount of the transaction that is applied toward the cost of the interchange fee can range anywhere from 1% to 3% of the total.
However, the precise amount of the interchange fee can vary quite a bit depending on the issuer, merchant category, payment method, and even the card that is used to make the purchase.
Your credit card company will charge you interchange fees to cover the cost of maintaining your credit card account, which includes taking preventative measures against fraud and maintaining account security.
As long as you continue to use your credit card for purchases, the issuer of your card will still see a profit from your account even if you never pay any fees associated with it, including annual or interest fees.
For this reason, issuers will close accounts that have been inactive for an extended period. If you are not currently making use of your
Assessment fees
Both cardholder fees and interchange fees are used to cover the costs incurred by the issuer. So, how exactly do the networks for credit cards make money? The purpose of the assessment fee is to cover these costs.
Questions People Are Asking
How does a credit card company make its money?
Credit card companies generate revenue from cardholders in a variety of ways, including the collection of interest, the charging of annual fees, and the imposition of various other fees, such as those associated with late payments.
How do credit card companies make money if you pay the balance in full?
Even if you pay in full, credit card companies can still make money in a variety of ways. Card issuers can charge an annual fee to cardholders. Additionally, card networks and processors charge transaction fees to merchants. As long as you use your credit card, credit card companies can make a profit.
What are three ways credit cards earn revenue?
Credit card companies have developed multiple ways to make money over the years. The three most prominent are through interest payments, credit card fees, and transaction fees. If you’re smart, there are ways to avoid these fees.
Do banks make money on credit cards?
Credit Card Interest and Merchant Fees Income The primary source of revenue for banks is interest on credit card accounts. When a cardholder fails to repay their entire monthly balance, interest fees are assessed to their account.
Does it hurt your credit to pay off credit card?
In most cases, paying off a credit card improves credit scores; in fact, the opposite is true. It may take a couple of months for paid-off balances to be reflected in your credit score, but reducing credit card debt typically results in a score increase if your other credit accounts are in good standing.
Do credit cards like it when you pay in full?
Always pay your credit card bill on time and in full is the most important rule for credit card use. By adhering to this simple rule, you can avoid incurring interest charges, late fees, and low credit scores. By paying your bill in full, you will avoid interest charges and improve your credit rating.
Why do banks try to sell you credit cards?
Selling credit cards contributes more to sales goals than opening a checking or savings account, creating skewed incentives based on the profitability of a product sold rather than how well it met a customer’s needs.
Accepting cards means you get paid faster.
Typically, payments from credit and debit card transactions are deposited within 48 hours. Compare this to the time it takes to send out invoices, wait for payment, and clear checks. In other words, card payments improve cash flow.
Why do merchants accept credit cards?
Accepting credit cards expedites payment. Typically, payments from credit and debit card transactions are deposited within 48-hours. Compare this to the time it takes to send out invoices, wait for payment, and clear checks. In other words, card payments improve cash flow.
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Top 10 Best Credit Cards on the Market 2021 (No 9 will Surprise you)
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Top 10 Best Credit Cards on the Market 2021
The credit card is one of the most important payment tools in the 21st century. They are heavily advertised and used by people to manage their finances.
The credit cards on this list are some of the best credit cards on the market right now. They offer great benefits, such as travel rewards, cashback and low-interest rates.
The Top 10 best credit cards on the market in 2021
In the near future credit cards will be more than just physical cards. Credit card companies are already offering AI-powered credit cards that let you spend money without having to carry a wallet or worry about losing it. It is predicted that by 2021, the number of people using these cards will reach over 50%.
1) Chase Sapphire Reserve – Best Credit Cards
Chase Sapphire Reserve is a credit card that is popular with travellers, who enjoy its travel benefits and generous rewards. The Reserve card provides an unlimited 4 points per dollar on all travel purchases worldwide & earns 50,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 in the first 3 months.
The Chase Sapphire Reserve is one of the most prestigious cards in the world that offers a generous sign-up bonus, excellent travel rewards and a variety of other perks.
2) Chase Sapphire Preferred – Best Credit Cards
As the name suggests, Chase Sapphire Preferred is the best credit card in the market. It offers a wide variety of benefits and is exclusively for Chase customers.
3) Chase Freedom – Best Credit Cards
The Chase Freedom credit card is one of the best cards on the market. It has a 0% introductory APR for 18 months, which can save you a lot of money if you’re able to pay off your balance in that time. The card also has an increased cashback percentage rate, which is perfect for those who spend money on travel and dining out.
4) Chase Freedom Unlimited – Best Credit Cards
If you’re looking for a credit card that offers cashback rewards and a 0% APR period, The Chase Freedom Unlimited is the perfect fit. This card also offers you a great chance to get your first free Uber ride.
5) Capital One Savor – Best Credit Cards
Capital One Savor is the best credit card for anyone who wants sound financial management they can easily manage. It features a low annual fee and no foreign transaction fees.
6) Amex Gold – Best Credit Cards
Amex Gold is a credit card issued by American Express that provides its owner with access to a wide range of benefits. These benefits include travel insurance, guaranteed lounge access, and more.
7) Citi Diamond Preferred Card
Citi Diamond Preferred Card is a credit card designed for the discerning traveller. It offers rewards on airfare, hotels, rental cars and transfers to other airlines. This card also provides access to Citi’s World of Attractions® which is a series of benefits including expedited access to attractions and discounts on tickets.
8) The Citi Prestige Credit Card
Citi Prestige is a product offered by Citigroup, a multinational financial services corporation.
The Citi Prestige credit cards offer exclusive benefits such as airport lounge access, personal concierge, and dedicated airport check-in. The card has a $450 annual fee and is not eligible for any travel credits.
9) Citi ThankYou Preferred – Best Credit Cards
Citi ThankYou Preferred Card is a bank credit card that comes with an annual fee of $95, waived for the first year. It has a $0 intro annual fee for the first year as well. The card also comes with other benefits such as travel and purchase protection, and double points on dining and entertainment spending.
10) American Express Platinum
American Express has been a leading credit card issuer in the United States for decades. There are several different American Express cards that have been designed to provide customers with quality, value, and convenience.
American Express Platinum credit card has many perks for those who are willing to spend a little more on their card. It offers return protection and free emergency travel assistance.
Finally on best credit cards in 2021
Credit cards are one of the most commonly used financial services in the world. They are a great way to build your credit score, save money, and earn rewards. Take your time to make the right choice.
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Top 10 Credit Cards on the Market you should avoid in 2022
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10 Credit Cards On The Market You Should Avoid This Year
There are a lot of credit cards on the market today. With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to figure out which one is best for you.
There are always many credit cards to choose from, with varying rates and benefits. It is important to understand the financial risks of each card before applying for it.
This blog will help you identify the 10 credit cards you should avoid, as well as some of the top choices for a variety of needs.
This article will discuss 10 credit cards you should avoid. It will also provide tips on how to avoid getting into debt with these cards and what alternatives are available for those who want a better option.
Avoid Credit Cards That Can Affect Your Financial Health
Credit cards are an important part of our lives. We use them to buy food, clothes, and other necessities. But the rule of thumb is that you should avoid credit cards with high-interest rates and fees.
Credit cards should be a tool to help you manage your finances, not a tool to make you buy more than what you need. If you’re not careful, your credit card company could charge you interest and fees, which can quickly add up.
There are so many credit cards to choose from, but these top five should absolutely be avoided. They’re the worst options for your financial health because they charge high fees, are riddled with hidden costs and rewards in limited categories, and provide very few benefits.
Avoiding these credit cards can save you a lot of money and time in the long run.
Top 10 Credit Cards You Should Avoid in this Year
The following credit cards are among the worst possible options for your financial health:
1. The Amex Blue Cash – Credit Cards you should avoid
The Amex Blue Cash is a credit card that offers some of the best perks in the business.
If you’re serious about maintaining your credit score, it’s worth looking into this card. The catch? There are some fees that might present themselves to you.
2. The Amex Plus
Credit cards are a good financial tool, but it’s important to ensure you have the right card for your personal needs.
The Amex Plus is a credit card that was released in 2015 as a competitor to other popular credit cards, such as the Chase Sapphire Reserve and the American Express Platinum.
Its benefits include an annual $450 airline fee credit, $250 hotel fee credit and no foreign transaction fees.
3. The Amex Gold – Credit Cards you should avoid
The Amex Gold Credit Card is not a card you should use if you are looking to maximize your rewards. It’s not that it doesn’t offer any benefits, it’s just that the other credit cards offer better rates and more perks.
4. The Amex Platinum – Credit Cards you should avoid
The Amex Platinum card was introduced in 2001 and was the first of its kind. The card features a 1% rewards program on all purchases, but it also comes with a $450 annual fee. This card is issued by American Express, but it is not recommended for customers who have bad credit.
5. The Amex SPG (Starwood)
The Amex SPG Card is hands down one of the worst credit cards for anyone who’s just starting out and doesn’t have a lot of credit history.
6. The Chase Marriott card – Credit Cards you should avoid
This credit card is not recommended for the average consumer. Consumers who are interested in the Chase Marriott card should understand that it comes with a hefty monthly fee, high-interest rates and high fees in general.
7. The Chase Ink Plus – Credit Cards you should avoid
Chase Ink Plus credit cards make you sign up for expensive services with no intention of using them.
For example, they offer a $300 cashback on making a purchase in the first three months which is not worth the $95 annual fee. This card has been reported to have mysterious charges and customer service issues, making it unreliable and unsafe.
8. The Capital One Venture – credit cards you should avoid
Venture cards are a type of credit card that provides very low-interest rates and rewards. These cards are popular among millennials because they combine ease of use with a low annual fee.
However, Venture Cards have higher late fees and penalty rates than their standard counterparts.
9. The Fidelity Investment Rewards Cards
Credit cards are meant to help you build a credit score and be financially responsible, but many people end up paying more in interest than they would have been if they’d just stuck with a debit card. Because of this, it’s important to do your research and compare card offers before deciding which one is best for you.
10. The Citi ThankYou Premier Credit Card
The Citi ThankYou Premier is a credit card that the company has recently launched in order to compete with other financial institutions.
The card has a fairly attractive return on investment for consumers who are looking to earn more than 1% cash back on every purchase, but there are a number of disadvantages that consumers should be aware of before getting this credit card.
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